Our Future starts Today...


I wish I could tell you that I had the perfect childhood, but I did not. I experienced poverty, abuse, and negative influences. From the outside looking in, there was no expectation of me accomplishing anything. But then I had a personal experience with Jesus Christ. The message Christ delivered to me was a simple, yet powerful message. That is, your current circumstances do not define who you are, nor do they define what you will become. Only you and the greatness inside of you determine that.


Why Choose BevRock Stoems?

Our children's books are based on the values and principles of Jesus Christ and doing the right things. It's not about religion or politics. Our children's books aim to encourage all youth to be exceptional everyday with purpose. We aim to instill confidence, kindness, and a sense of purpose in every child. Irrespective of you and your child's current circumstances, greatness is inside of you and is waiting to be activated.

What Makes Us Unique?

Once you begin to read our stories, you will soon realize our children's books are incredibly unique. Our "Stoems" (Story telling combined with poems) will leave a lasting impression on you and your little ones.

Start Your Journey to Greatness Today!

Explore our site for heartwarming stories and life lessons that will inspire your child to be exceptional every day!